Sustainable agriculture:


Sustainable agriculture is a philosophy based on human goals and an understanding the long term impact of our activities on the environment and on other species. These systems reduse environmental degradation,  maintain agricultural productivity, promote economic viability in both the short and long term and maintain stable rural communities and quality of life.

Organic agriculture:

deerghaayush team

It is a production system, which avoids or largely excludes the use of synthetically compounded fertilizers, pesticides, growth regulators and live stock feed additives. It is all about building healthy soil and using optimal cultural practices to prevent insects, disease and weed problems.

pest management in organic agriculture is mainly 3 types.

1.Management practices.

2.Plant-animal based kashayas preparation.

3.Bio-control methods.

deerghaayush team
deerghaayush team
deerghaayush team

Does organic farming works:


Organic farming can give positive results in long run. Deerghaayush mission is to create awareness on ancient organic farming and sustainable practices to next generations. To develop affective organic growth promoting, pest control products to create healthy environment.